Axis House Reagent Experts
Flotation Collectors: OXIDE FLOTATION: Axis House supply and produce a range of collectors tailored made for the flotation of oxide minerals. REO FLOTATION: With a pioneering approach to Rare Earth Oxides (ROE), Axis House has developed specific reagents for the separation of …

Axis House supplies a large quantity of flotation collectors, which are used to separate minerals from waste rock, to Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – key regions with large base metals reserves. The company has been operational in the Copperbelt, in Zambia, and the DRC for about 20 years. These countries that host the Copperbelt are rich in copper and comprise the greatest …

axis house flotation - niepoetter-montagen.de
Mineral Flotation . Axis House has been developing reagent technologies for the past 10 years, at its flotation laboratory in Cape Town, South Africa and more recently at it metallurgical labs in Sydney and Melbourne. These were acquired when Axis House bought the oxide flotation reagent technology from Ausmelt Chemicals. Get price . Axis House . Axis House takes Research & Development ...

Axis House: Global mineral processing reagent …
The Axis House range of reagents are applied to various separation processes. In flotation, the collector, depressant and frother range is applied to separate hydrophobic and hydrophilic minerals and thus selectively upgrading the minerals of interest (copper, cobalt, PGM, lead, zinc, etc).

OXIDE FLOTATION: Axis House supply and produce a range of collectors tailored made for the flotation of oxide minerals. REO FLOTATION: With a pioneering approach to Rare Earth Oxides (ROE), Axis House has developed specific reagents for the separation of ROE into mixed concentrates. BASE METAL SULPHIDE FLOTATION: Axis House supply a range of selective sulphide collectors for the flotation …

Thanks to their years of extensive experience in the DRC and Zambia, Axis House specialises in the flotation of copper and cobalt; but other minerals have not been ignored. Leveraging a secure African footprint, gold and platinum are part of the next natural progression for Axis House, which is also considering markets beyond Africa, where there is scope for expansion in the main copper-producing …

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22.08.2013 · For information on flotation of oxide metal minerals please contact: AXIS HOUSE Cape Town, South Africa Trevor McLean-Anderson Phone : +27 21 790 0481 Email: [email protected].

Brontë Range. Polyacrylamides with a range of different charge strengths and molecular weight, improve the settling rate at various solid and liquid separation stages in mineral processing – such as thickening of flotation concentrates, recovery of pregnant leach liquors and dewatering of tailings.

Axis House (Pty) Ltd - Reagent Experts | LinkedIn
Axis House specialises in the flotation of Iron Ore. Contact us to day to find out how we can assist you.

Axis House - stone Company - Sandton, …
Since 2001 Axis House has established itself as a mining chemicals manufacturer and distributor, specializing in oxide flotation mining chemicals with clients across the globe. In 2008, Axis House acquired the hydroxamate business from ASX-listed Ausmelt. This broadened the companys oxide flotation offering of sulphidisation reagents (and their successful application); modified fatty acids and …

Mining reagent major Axis House opening new …
The Axis House range of products includes mining chemicals for flotation – including proprietary flotation technology, primary and secondary collectors, the Hydrofroth™ range of frothers, and sulphidising agents – as well as depressants, thickeners, hydrometallurgical reagents and …

Flotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide …
Flotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals with xanthate and hydroxamate collectors K. Lee a, D. Archibald b, J. McLean c, M.A. Reuter c,* a Ausmelt Limited, AMML, Unit 3/8 Yandina Road, West Gosford, NSW 2250, Australia Minto Explorations Ltd., P.O. Box 33174, Whitehorse, YT, Canada Y1A6S1 c Ausmelt Limited, 12 Kitchen Road, Dandenong, Victoria 3175, Australia b

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Axis House, Sandton, Gauteng. 97 likes. Axis House Pty Ltd supplies a full range of mining reagents to mineral processors. The range includes flotation reagents such as: collectors, depressants,

Axis House - Axis House has thus far raised R38 …
Axis House has thus far raised R38 000.00 towards our All-Axis Family Fun-a-Thon charity fund raiser event. Donations can be made directly on the GiveGain platform, or at...

axis-house-enhancing-copper-cobalt-production …
Axis House boasts extensive experience working the DRC – nearly 20 years as a company and upwards of 25 years as individuals. At the time, many would have considered doing business in the country a brave move when it was still believed to be a hostile working …

Russel BANZA - Business Development …
Business Development Metallurgist chez Axis House (Pty) Ltd Democratic Republic of the Congo 378 connections. Join to Connect . Axis House (Pty) Ltd. Université de Lubumbashi / Faculté ...