abstract on impacts of mining on heritage sites

Abstract On Impacts Of Mining On Heritage Sites

abstract on impacts of mining on heritage sites

Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism on World Heritage Sites . Dec 22 2008 · Most World Heritage Sites are major cultural tourism attractions. The majority of visitors to these sites are generally motivated by an interest in culture nature and heritage.

Exploring the Impacts of Mining on Tourism …

Limited research has been conducted to understand mining impacts on protected environments and tourism sites. This stone will focus on the Mapungubwe World Heritage Site as a tourist attraction in Limpopo to shed light on how mining is impacting on the area and on …

Exploring the Impacts of Mining on Tourism Growth and ...

on the heritage sites for tourism income generation (Smith, 2012). The Mapungubwe Heritage Site is a mineral rich area and there continue to be discoveries for mining potential within most of its ...

Environmental Impacts of Mining: A Study of Mining ...

Abstract Mineral exploitation contributes significantly to economic growth and development in most world ... environmental assessments of various mining sites in the study area. ... “Environmental Impacts of Mining: A Study of Mining Communities in Ghana.” Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, ...

Mining threats UNESCO World Heritage Sites in …

Almost one-third of threats to Canadian World Heritage Sites in the past three decades have been the product of both mining and oil and gas operations, CBC reported quoting information from the ...

Mining threats on the rise in World Heritage sites | …

Mining and oil/gas projects that are located outside World Heritage Sites should not, under any circumstances, have negative impacts on these exceptional places. Moreover, boundary changes to these sites should not be used as an easy way to facilitate mining activities.

The Impact of Mining on Cultural Heritage

17-11-2016 · The Impact of Mining on Cultural Heritage ... Large mining companies, such as Rio Tinto, have worked with heritage professionals to develop their own guidelines on heritage protection. However, heritage sites are still at great risk from smaller companies that are less likely to capture international attention.

Mining and the African Environment

Abstract Africa is on the verge of a mining boom. We review the environmental threats ... a World Heritage Site, was downsized by 1,550 ha to allow for iron-ore prospecting. Further, ... more wide-ranging impacts of mining infrastructure and socioeconomic change.

The social impacts of mining on local communities …

27-02-2018 · The mining industry forms an important pillar of the global economy. While the economic impacts of mining have been thoroughly explored and social impacts recently have received growing attention, increasingly, mining developments are being required to consider how they affect local communities and implement strategies to minimise negative impacts they may be causing.

On the Cultural Impacts of Mining – Mother Jones

07-06-2006 · On the Cultural Impacts of Mining At Alaska?s proposed Pebble Mine site, the focus is on environmental and economic outcomes. But what about the Native culture and community?

Social impacts of mining: Changes within the local …

18-12-2014 · Understanding the social impacts at a community level triggered by mining operations is a challenging exercise. This stone reflects on a community’s perceptions and interpretation of these impacts as well as on the qualitative changes in the local social landscape and their implications for a sustainable future.

(PDF) Environmental Impacts of Mining: A Study of …

Abstract and Figures. ... This stone provides an exposition on the environmental impacts of mining activities in Ghana. ... environmental assessments of various mining sites in the study area.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment: Making the Most of ...

English Heritage Policy Statement, Enabling Development and the Conservation of Heritage Assets ( 2001) Hong Kong Criteria for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Ordinance (Cap. 499) Guidance Notes Assessment of Impact on Sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (1976)

Case Study: Impact of Mining - PHDessay.com

06-07-2020 · Mining companies have privatized numerous natural water sources in Itogon and Mankayan for the purpose. Now, the people in many mining-affected communities have to buy water for drinking and domestic use from outside sources through water delivery trucks, or by lining up for hours in the few remaining water sources to fill up a gallon of water. 2.

Kruger Park News - Mapungubwe mining impact …

The coalition of civil society organisations challenging the authorisations given to mining company Limpopo Coal (Pty) Ltds proposed Vele colliery outside the Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site has agreed to suspend legal proceedings against the mining company pending the outcome of negotiations with it.

Mining threatens Mapungubwe heritage site

08-11-2011 · The Vele mine is located 5.6 km to the east of the Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape (MCL) World Heritage Site and bordering directly on the World Heritage Site buffer zone. As indicated in the Vele Mine’s Environmental Management Programme (EMP), 50% of the mine’s west pit will overlap the Viewshed protection area around the Mapungubwe National Park.


and its effects on public health, agriculture and the environment. In addition, the legacy of mining has left thousands of sites in Africa contaminated by mining and associated mine dumps such as tailings and slag material. On the other hand, the number of studies focused on the impacts of mining …

The Role of Mining in the South African Economy

ABSTRACT: This stone examines ... welfare impact on the South African economy. Historically the investment rate of the mining sector was of signi…cance to the aggregate economy, with output growth in the sector being driven primarily through capital accumulation. The 1980’s and 1990’s have

Environmental impact of mining - Wikipedia

Environmental impacts of mining can occur at local, regional, and global scales through direct and indirect mining practices. Impacts can result in erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by the chemicals emitted from mining processes. These processes also have an impact on the atmosphere from the emissions of carbon which have ...


ABSTRACT Title of Thesis: “IF WE OWN THE STORY, WE OWN THE PLACE”: CULTURAL HERITAGE, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, AND GENTRIFICATION ON U STREET Stephanie Barbara Frank, Master of Arts, 2005 Thesis Directed by: Mary Corbin Sies, Associate Professor Department of American Studies

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